Monday, August 09, 2004

My first post

I really want to try to get my LJ blog syndicated here, much like LJ is able to syndicate all sorts of blogs into itself.

My blog is currently at, but it's mainly hosted (embedded) at



At 8/09/2004 1:46 PM, Blogger David said...

I hope you can.. I hope you can...


At 6/04/2005 5:55 AM, Blogger Paul W said...


Thanks for suggesting I post my comments on Moltmann on Book Garden, and thanks for reading my blog

At 5/14/2007 9:23 AM, Blogger Geoff said...

Thanks for the comments and the book advice, Eric! If you ever want to chat further, you can always contact me via email: gdargan at gmail dot com. Take care man!



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